• Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research
  • Journal Abbreviation :Phys. Educ. Sport. Stud. Res.
  • Online ISSN                  : 2829-5846
  • DOI                                 : 10.56003/pessr
  • Publisher                      : CV. Rezki Media
  • URL                                 : https://jse.rezkimedia.org/index.php/pes
  • Start Year                     : 2022
  • Language                     : English
  • Publication Fee          : No Publication Fee
  • Issues per Year           : 2 Issues


The Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers and reviews the fields of physical education, physical rehabilitation, and sports training. Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research published two times a year by the CV. Rezki Media (registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights on July 23, 2020 with the number AHU-038612-AH). The journal is dedicated to promoting the advancement of sports science in the ASEAN region and beyond by providing a platform for researchers, scientists, and academics to publish their research findings and share their knowledge with the broader scientific community. Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research welcomes submissions from researchers, scientists, and academics in the ASEAN region and around the world on topics including:

  • Physical Education
    Theory and Methods of Teaching Movements, Physical Education of Children and Teenagers, and Physical Education Learning and Educational Technology, Evaluation in Physical Education.
  • Physical Rehabilitation
    Injury prevention in both students and athletes and Physical Culture in Prevention and Treatment of Diseases.
  • Sports Training
    Elite sports and Performance Enhancement and Physical Exercise for Children and Athletes.


All submissions to Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and validity of the published research. The journal encourages the submission of papers that present innovative and original research, as well as those that contribute to the development of new theories, methodologies, and techniques in the fields of physical education, physical rehabilitation, and sports training.

Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research is committed to promoting open access to scientific research and aims to make research accessible to a broader audience, including researchers and students in developing countries who may not have access to expensive scientific journals. The journal also seeks to foster collaboration and partnerships between researchers in the ASEAN region and around the world and to facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge between different scientific disciplines.

Journal Metrics
Acceptance Rate : 33 %
Review Speed : 35 days
Issue Per Year : 2
Number of Volumes : 3
Number of Issues : 6
Number of Articles : 32
Number of Reviewers : 45
Number of Contributors : 96
Contributing Countries : 11
No. of Google Citations 136
Google h-index : 6
Google i10-index : 2
Citedness in Scopus : 73

UPDATE: 13 February 2025

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research

This issue has been available online since October 16th, 2024. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 15 authors from Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, and Spain.

Published: 2024-10-16

Original Research

Literature Reviews