Are ninth-grade students aware and prepared when disaster strikes?
awareness, disaster education, mitigation, preparedness, PhilippinesAbstract
Awareness and preparedness are good preventive practices that can lessen the impacts of natural and man-made hazards. This descriptive cross-sectional study ascertained the extent of awareness and preparedness of ninth-grade students in terms of natural hazards and man-made disasters. The study involved 103 respondents in two public secondary schools in Zambales, Philippines. The study found out that the students have a high self-reported awareness of the different disasters, and they assessed themselves to be often prepared for the occurrences of the different disasters. The students’ disaster awareness had a significant moderate correlation with disaster preparedness. The study recommends that the students be exposed to several disaster awareness and preparedness programs to develop their understanding and preventive practices. The students' awareness of several disasters may be sustained and enhanced through various media like audio-visual presentations, posters, and IEC (information, education, and communication) materials. As students become more aware of disasters, they become more prepared for disasters. Hence, the environmental education curriculum can accentuate disaster science and management teaching to young learners as they are crucial actors in disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation
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